Flood Re Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Model
EcoStyle has created a new Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Model for Flood Re. The model will help Flood Re raise awareness of how residents can protect their homes from flooding.

EcoStyle Wind Turbine Kit features in The Engineering Mindset Video
EcoStyle’s educational Wind Turbine Kit features in the video How Wind Turbines Really Work: An Astonishing Technological Masterpiece’ by The Engineering Mindset.

SuDS Model Case Study: Living With Water
Living With Water is using the EcoStyle SuDS Model to engage with communities in Hull and East Riding to educate them about flood risk and what they can do to become more resilient.

Flood and Coast Conference 2023
EcoStyle’s Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Model was on display as part of the Environment Agency’s Innovation Hub at the Flood and Coast Conference and Exhibition at the Telford International Centre.

EcoStyle’s 20 Years Anniversary
EcoStyle is celebrating an important milestone – its 20th anniversary! The company was officially registered in England and Wales on 6th November 2002.

University of Bedfordshire STEM Day 2022
EcoStyle was invited to support one of the University of Bedfordshire’s ‘STEPs into STEM’ days, held at the university’s state-of-the-art new STEM Building. The aim of the programme is to give students the opportunity to meet a range of local STEM companies, while raising awareness of STEM careers.

EcoStyle Meets Director of Educational Technology, Jordan Ministry of Education
EcoStyle’s Simon Hall recently met with Eng. Marwan Torman, Director of Educational Technology at the Ministry of Education, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Round-Table Meeting with Amman Private Schools
EcoStyle’s Managing Director Simon Hall had the opportunity to present EcoStyle’s Renewable Energy Kits to private schools in Jordan’s capital Amman, during the company’s visit in March 2022.

Living Wage Week 2021
Living Wage Week 2021 runs from 15th–21st November, and this year marks 20 years of the Living Wage movement. EcoStyle became an accredited Living Wage employer in 2015, and is part of a network of over 8,000 accredited employers throughout the UK.

Local Government Authority COP22 Exhibition Stand Competition
Luton Borough Council’s sustainability team have submitted photos of EcoStyle’s Renewable Energy Kits under a ‘Made in Luton’ theme, and if successful these will be displayed on the Local Government Association’s (LGA) exhibition space at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November 2021.

EcoStyle Supports Luton Borough Council for The Great Big Green Week 2021
EcoStyle provided a set of its Renewable Energy Kits for Luton Borough Council to use during the Great Big Green Week, allowing the council’s sustainability team to demonstrate the benefits of renewable energy to members of the public.

EcoStyle to enter the Middle East Education Market
With assistance from in-country trade advisors based at British Embassies throughout the Middle East, EcoStyle will be holding a series of meetings with education ministries and educational distributors to introduce EcoStyle’s Renewable Energy Kits to the region.

EcoStyle Welcomes University of Bristol Intern
EcoStyle is pleased to welcome University of Bristol graduate Amy Ruffley to undertake a summer internship.

Bike Month 2021
EcoStyle has been participating in Bike Month 2021, a celebration of biking taking place throughout June.

University of Bristol Engineering Design Project
EcoStyle, in conjunction with Frazer-Nash Consultancy, has recently supported a two-year Engineering Design course at the University of Bristol.

New Photovoltaic Kit Launched
Today (3 May) is World Sun Day 2021, an appropriate day to officially launch EcoStyle’s updated Photovoltaic Kit.

Earth Day 2021
Parallel to the Biden Administration’s global climate summit, EarthDay.org will produce its second Earth Day Live digital event on 22 April 2021.

Yorkshire Property Flood Resilience Model
EcoStyle has recently designed and manufactured a demonstration model for Yorkshire Flood Resilience, highlighting the risks of flooding and showing residents how to protect homes from flood damage.

World Water Day 2021
The United Nations ‘World Water Day’ takes place on Monday 22 March 2021, celebrated in a worldwide online event.