Showerhead Efficiency Display
The Showerhead Efficiency Display is a portable shower demonstration unit used by water companies in public-facing environments as part of water-efficiency campaigns.
Demonstrations help persuade customers to take and install a water-efficient showerhead as part of a giveaway, saving the customer money and helping water companies meet their water usage reduction targets.
The Showerhead Efficiency Display is a portable shower demonstration unit used by water companies in public-facing environments as part of water-efficiency campaigns.
Demonstrations help persuade customers to take and install a water-efficient showerhead as part of a giveaway, saving the customer money and helping water companies meet their water usage reduction targets.
The Showerhead Efficiency Display is a portable shower demonstration unit used by water companies in public-facing environments as part of water-efficiency campaigns.
Demonstrations help persuade customers to take and install a water-efficient showerhead as part of a giveaway, saving the customer money and helping water companies meet their water usage reduction targets.
Changing Attitudes and Behaviour
The display demonstrates the cost savings that customers can make by using a water-efficient showerhead instead of a standard showerhead.
Giving people the ability to experience the flow of water challenges the perception that water-efficient showerheads give inferior performance.
Coupled with the dramatic potential water and cost savings, this delivers a powerful message and gives a compelling argument for fitting a water-efficient showerhead.
Guess the Water-Efficient Showerhead!
Both showers run simultaneously for 30 seconds, with the water flowing directly down the plugholes. People can place their hands underneath the spray to compare the feel of the two showers.
They then attempt to guess which is the water-efficient showerhead and which is the standard showerhead. It is often difficult to notice any difference!
This demonstration directly counters a common reason for low uptake: the concern that a water-efficient showerhead will feel less powerful. The fact that it is almost impossible to tell the difference effectively illustrates the benefits of the showerhead and helps dispel misconceptions.
Dramatic Savings
The plugs are then closed and the user presses the button again to start the showerheads running for 30 seconds. This time the water collects in the clear measuring containers underneath the showerheads.
People will see that a standard showerhead typically consumes around 5 litres of water in 30 seconds (around 10 litres per minute), while the water-efficient showerhead typically consumes around 3 litres (around 6 litres per minute).
People are often very impressed with this water saving. This demonstration has a clear and immediate impact on consumers as they can compare the differences so clearly.
Fully Independent
The demonstration unit is designed to be self-contained and does not need a mains water connection or to be plugged into mains electricity. This makes it ideal for use at exhibitions and outdoor events.
The unit is powered by a 12 volt rechargeable battery pack, typically providing a full day of power.
Two internal water tanks are filled with tap water using the jerrycans provided, and the unit is easily emptied after use.
Portable and Quick to Set-Up
The unit separates into two parts (base unit and lightweight back panel), making it easy to transport in the back of a car or small van. The padded storage cases provide protection during transit.
The model is mounted on braked castors which allow it to be easily manoeuvred once on-site.
Convenient grab handles located on each side assist with moving and lifting the unit.
Safe and Hygienic
The low voltage battery pack ensures that the unit is safe to use.
The water should be changed daily and treated with chlorine water purification tablets, helping to keep the model hygienic.
Two water filters collect any debris, helping to keep the water clean.
EcoStyle Showerhead Display - Setting Up
EcoStyle Showerhead Display - Packing Away
Quality Matters
EcoStyle’s products are assembled by hand in our factory in the United Kingdom to the highest quality standards.
Our assembly processes and stringent quality checks ensure consistent product reliability.
EcoStyle is the proud recipient of a number of awards, including the Federation of Small Businesses’ Innovation Award and Environmental Responsibility Award, and Bedfordshire Rising Stars’ Green Business Award.